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Vaccination Information

Vaccine Information

Here at Central District Health Department we are able to offer routine vaccinations. We have programs available to help those with little or no insurance and can also bill your insurance. We are here to serve all members of our community.

Clinic Information

Contact the office at (308) 385-5175 to schedule an appointment. If you have a vaccination record for yourself or your child, please bring a copy with you. Our front desk and nursing staff are always happy to review records and advise on any required or recommended vaccines to help you, your child and your family stay as healthy as possible.

Children's Vaccines 

This is the recommended schedule of vaccines for children. Our nurses can help recommend a catch up schedule if children have missed 1 or more vaccines.

Adult Vaccines

You never outgrow the need for vaccines. The specific vaccinations you need as an adult are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, health and risk conditions, type and locations of travel, and previous immunizations.

Immigration & Refugee Vaccinations

Immigrants and Refugees seeking adjustment of status follow a similar vaccination schedule as the Adult Vaccines, with the exception being optional vaccinations are not required. For example, MMR is not required if born before 1957. We can enter vaccination records and advise on the recommended schedule to meet requirements.

If you are required to undergo an immigration medical exam, click here to see a list of local providers. If you are, the immigration medical exam must be conducted by a physician (also known as a "civil surgeon") designated by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Immunization Record

Need your immunization record? For your convenience, the Nebraska State Immunization Information System has been made available to the public. You can now access your immunization records 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a great tool to access and monitor your immunization effectively. If you would like to check your immunization record please click here.



Vaccination Parent FAQ

Why do kids need to get shots for school?

Shots help keep kids healthy by preventing diseases that can make them sick. There are rules called vaccination laws that say when kids need to get shots. These rules are there to make sure kids don't get sick from certain germs.

Kids need shots before they go to school because in school, germs can spread easily. Shots can stop diseases like measles and whooping cough from making kids sick or even causing them to die. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have laws that say kids must get certain shots before they can go to school. Some kids need shots before they can go to childcare or preschool too.

Are shots safe?

Yes, shots are safe! Doctors and scientists work together to make sure shots are safe for kids. They check that shots can be given at the right time and that they work well. Shots are tested to make sure they won't make kids sick.

If you have questions about shots, you can ask your doctor or your school. They can tell you which shots your child needs to stay healthy.

Some kids can't get shots for medical reasons, so it's important that others get their shots. This helps protect everyone, especially the kids who can't get shots. If many kids get their shots, it creates something called "herd immunity," which keeps diseases from spreading.

What happens if you don't get shots?

If your child doesn't get shots and there's a sickness outbreak, they might not be able to go to school or childcare. This is because they could get sick and spread the illness to others. It's important to follow the rules and get shots to keep everyone safe and healthy.


To review the full regulations, refer to Title 173 of the Nebraska Administration Code, Chapter 3: Rules and Regulations Relating to School Health, Communicable Disease Control, and Immunization Standards.​ 

Child Care and School Immunization Standards (ne.gov)

¿Por qué los niños necesitan vacunarse para ir a la escuela?

Las vacunas ayudan a mantener sanos a los niños al prevenir enfermedades que pueden enfermarlos. Existen reglas llamadas leyes de vacunación que indican cuándo deben vacunarse los niños. Estas reglas existen para garantizar que los niños no se enfermen a causa de ciertos gérmenes.

Los niños necesitan vacunas antes de ir a la escuela porque en la escuela los gérmenes se pueden propagar fácilmente. Las vacunas pueden evitar que enfermedades como el sarampión y la tos ferina enfermen a los niños o incluso les causen la muerte. Los 50 estados y el Distrito de Columbia tienen leyes que exigen que los niños deben recibir ciertas vacunas antes de poder ir a la escuela. Algunos niños también necesitan vacunas antes de poder ir a la guardería o al preescolar.

¿Son seguras las vacunas?

¡Si, las vacunas son seguras! Los médicos y científicos trabajan juntos para garantizar que las vacunas sean seguras para los niños. Comprueban que las vacunas se puedan aplicar en el momento adecuado y que funcionen bien. Las vacunas se prueban para asegurarse de que no enfermen a los niños.

Si tiene preguntas sobre las vacunas, puede preguntarle a su médico o a su escuela. Ellos pueden indicarle qué vacunas necesita su hijo/a para mantenerse saludable.

Algunos niños no pueden recibir vacunas por razones médicas, por lo que es importante que otros las reciban. Esto ayuda a proteger a todos, especialmente a los niños que no pueden recibir vacunas. Si muchos niños reciben la vacuna, se crea algo llamado “inmunidad colectiva”, que evita que las enfermedades se propaguen.  

¿Qué pasa si no se reciben vacunas?  

Si su hijo/a no recibe vacunas y hay un brote de alguna enfermedad, es posible que no pueda ir a la escuela ni a la guardería. Esto se debe a que podrían enfermarse y contagiar a otras personas. Es importante seguir las reglas y vacunarse para mantener a todos seguros y saludables.