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Central District Health Dept

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What is Infectious Disease?

Disease can spread fast! It's the job of the Infectious Disease Department to pay attention to what is spreading nationally and track how it's impacting us locally. It's a big job but we're dedicated to giving you the information you need to stay as healthy as possible. If you have questions about what we do, please feel free to call or send us a message.   The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services has statutes for reportable conditions.  Information on Reportable Conditions . . .

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

Lead is a toxic metal that can be found in and around homes, in soil, and in some consumer products. Lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities in children and many other illnesses.  You can check if your child needs a lead test by visiting: Does my child need a lead test? If you have questions about childhood lead testing email or call 308-385-5175.   

Sexually Transmitted Infections

We assist with partner notification, referral for treatment, provide education and safety kits. If you have questions regarding STI's please contact us STI Email .           

Respiratory Virus Guidance and Flu Reports

Each year, respiratory viruses are responsible for millions of illnesses and thousands of hospitalizations and deaths in the United States. In addition to the virus that causes COVID-19, there are many other types of respiratory viruses, including flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The good news is there are actions you can take to help protect yourself and others from health risks caused by respiratory viruses.     The Central District Health Department wants to keep you from getting sick with . . .


There are two types of the virus that causes mpox, clade I and clade II. Both types spread the same way and can be prevented using the same methods. Clade II mpox cases continue to spread at low levels in many countries around the world. There have also been several travel-associated clade I mpox cases reported in countries in other parts of Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America.    Preventing Mpox  What to know  Talk to a healthcare provider to learn if the mpox vaccine is . . .

Rabies Prevention

The best way to avoid rabies in the U.S. is to stay away from wild animals. Call animal control for an injured animal, don't try to help.  Keep your pets up to date on rabies vaccinations. Also, keep your pets away from wild animals and pets you don't know.    What to do if exposed to a rabid animal If you come across a rabid animal, remember rabies in humans is completely preventable, but you must seek medical help right away. If you've been bitten or . . .

Infection Control

We are proud to be in collaboration with the Infection Control Assessment and Promotion Program (ICAP) to help promote infection control throughout the Central District. ICAP offers no cost, peer-to-peer infection control assessments and recommendations. Our team includes experienced infection preventionists, infectious disease trained medical directors, and professional educators.